Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What Is Web Development Malaysia?

Web development Malaysia is a web design procedure of gathering business thoughts, plan and executing these business plans through a fully functioning website, which available to those online searchers for free. In normal term, website development and website design are the processes of structuring a business website.
A lot of important factors need to be taken into account when a business owner building their website. The main thing to consider is whether the built website is user-friendly or not. This includes how the navigation of the website looks like, how the website developer arranges the blog content, or whether the website is mobile responsive or not.
Whatever a visitor do when he/she landed on a website, Google will record every user's behaviour. If the visitor leaves the website immediately without clicking anything or provides their contact information, you might lose the chance of contacting them forever. This is bad in Google eyes as well, since recently one of the factors that decide how well your website rank in Google highly depends on the bounce rate. The lower the bounce rate, the better the chance of your website appear on the first page of Google.
As a business owner, I believe nobody willing to see a visitor came and leave directly. So it is important to ensure when developing a business website, a web developer needs to design the website base on the customer’s point of view. Whatever users action will directly impact how the Google rate your website. It is important to keep the interface of the website simple and clean to prevent user’s confusion.
For those who have a no-budget or new to online business, there are plenty of free web design tutorials available online to help them to kick-start their first business website. Those who already have the basic in creating a website, you basically can search online and download professional website design templates for free. However, always remember that free thing might seem like a good deal, but it isn’t always great. Issues like security or copyright that can't be removed from the web templates can hurt your business branding.
One of the famous freemium website builder available online is WIX. A small business owner might consider using this free design tool for their website. WIX provides an easy drag & drop features which ease the website building process. There are hundreds of free templates you can choose as well. However, if you want to use some of the features other than the free plan, you might need to start paying for upgrading your free account.
If you have a medium size business, I will advise you to look for the web design firm that has a good reputation and can deliver fast. It’s not only helping your website to look professional but the web design Malaysia company will ensure the website have a better conversion rate compared to a website that builds from scratch solely depends on WIX. There’s always some good affordable web design companies in Malaysia that can fit your budget. Remember, it might be costly at first, but for long-term planning, it definitely worth the price.
Web Development & Web Design – Are They Identical?

People always assume that web designer and web developer have no difference. In fact, they have a lot different. A web developer is the one who develops the website at the back-end, while web designer handling the front end of a website, mainly visualize and design of a website. Web designer work using their creativity, and web developer using their knowledge in HTML.
Example of web developer tools:
·       Sublime Text.
·       Chrome Developer Tools.
·       jQuery.
·       GitHub.
·       Twitter Bootstrap.
·       Angular.js.
·       SaSS.
Example of web designer tools:
·       Sketch.
·       Adobe XD
·       Figma. ...
·       Affinity Designer. ...
·       Anime. ...
·       Avocode. ...
·       Zeplin. ...
·       Pattern Lab.
Even though they are not the same, but both require a different type of skills and creativity when developing a business website.
Considerations in Web Development Malaysia
Web Navigation: A statistic shows that a website with the navigation structure of 3 clicks rule is the best to retain and direct user when visiting a website. 3 clicks rule mean they only need 3 clicks to back to Homepage from an inner page. The user will feel more comfortable when browsing your website and they definitely will have a second visit if they need your information or service again.
Video Content: Recently, people are tending to lay on their bed when searching for something they wanted. Using a video to present what you are supposed to say in a long article makes user felt less frustrated when digesting your website content.
Mobile Responsive: Considering more and more people using their smartphone to browse the internet, thus, it is important to make sure your website layout, articles and media are responsive and deem to fit different user’s device. Last time, people using mobile-friendly technique but now, Google wants a website to be mobile responsive instead of mobile-friendly. So if your website isn’t mobile responsive, it’s time for you to revamp your website.
Technology Trends: Web developer needs to make sure when developing a website, the ideas are not old-fashioned design that no longer suitable or applicable recently. Some conservative developers might have this problem, so be sure your business website development is up to the latest technology trends.
Consideration in Web Design
Website Interface: As mentioned above, a business that has a clean and simple website interface is better for retaining a user. How the visuals, content, and videos appeared on the website help the user to find the information they want easily. Consistency on every inner page is as important as well.
Blog Content: Starting 2017, Google has mentioned the importance of how a user is interacting when they landed on your website. Google believe a website that provides better and longer information makes user stay longer without leaving. It is believed that a user stays on an average of 3 minutes and 37 seconds on a single website if they found the information on what they want on that website. So whether you need to provide a super long article to retain them, or you should start creating video that length at more than 3 minutes.
Website Theme: Choose the right theme that closely related to your business is very important. For example, if you are running a magazine company, you should use a website theme that has the interface of the latest magazine/upcoming blockbusters. Using a plain design theme might not encourage subscription.
Font Type: Since most of the web browser can only read certain fonts, you are advised to use web-safe fonts to ensure the content displayed is readable.

Visual Design: Using eyes catching visual properly can help to tell what is your business offered easier. The human brain is designed to understand a context better when the explanation is added together using visuals. Visual we mentioned here is not limited to logos, photos, clipart or icons. However, visuals might be an advantage but be sure the size of the visual is not too big. This is because a big visual makes a website load slower. A user with a poor internet connection makes the situation worst. Remember to compress a visual without decreasing the resolution, before you upload it to the website.
Building a business website isn’t the same as building a personal website. How you brand your business through your website is the reflection of how serious you in your service. If you are looking to build a professional website for your business, you can’t ignore the fact of using a web design company in Malaysia would be your best choice.